Dhruv Rathee’s Final Reply to Godi Youtubers: Elvish Yadav and the Dangers of Hate

Dhruv Rathee’s Final Reply to Godi Youtubers: Elvish Yadav and the Dangers of Hate

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My Final Reply to Godi Youtubers: Elvish Yadav and the Dangers of Hate

“So many lies to go.” “Let’s talk about my connections with AAP.” “The favourite conspiracy of these pro-BJP YouTubers.” “You hate it because though you talk about Lord Ram, you harbour Nathuram in your heart.” “Posham Pa, brother, Posham Pa, What happened in the Red Fort? Stole a watch of ₹100, Will have to be jailed now.”

Hello, friends! In the Hisar district of Haryana, there is a village called Rakhigarhi. After some excavations here, we found out about a 7,000 to 8,000 year old civilisation that lived here. But amazingly, that civilisation hasn’t reached Elvish Yadav yet. Because this fool is still uncivilised.

Using vile language, beating up people, spreading hatred, abusing intoxicants, getting youth addicted to betting, objectifying girls, these are his daily activities. And when his cringe content doesn’t get views, then he makes videos on Dhruv Rathee occasionally.

This is the ninja technique of these shallow YouTubers. I think such YouTubers should be exposed in front of the public, so that people know that if they follow such YouTubers, they are following idiots. Although it’s a different matter that these YouTubers don’t care, because shameless people like Elvish believe that even bad publicity is good publicity.

Exposing Elvish’s Lies: The Telegram Bug, Team Size, and Cryptocurrency

After the last video, some of you were asking me why am I wasting time by making videos on this one person. The thing is that, friends, it isn’t just about this one person. Everything wrong in our society, I believe that one personality like Elvish Yadav’s is the personification of those wrong things. Such people have become a threat to our society and our country. And if we can bring a positive change to this person, we will see its effect on millions of other people.

So, in the first half of this video, let’s catch some more of his lies, and in the second half, let’s start trying to make him a better person.

Elvish says that, in my Telegram group, I shared p0rnographic content. “Dhruv who talks about ethics used to share p0rnographic content in his Telegram group. Because of this, Telegram banned his group.”

Look, Elvish, every person has something here, it’s called the Brain. Had you used yours even a little bit, you would ask yourself why would I want to share p0rnographic content in my Telegram group? What would I get by doing this? Obviously, this is a lie, and I have never done this. A few years ago, there was a common bug on Telegram. Search on Google for ‘Telegram p0rnographic bug’, and you will find many people on Reddit complaining about this, about what was happening, when they did nothing of the sort.

Anyways, Elvish then talks about my team. He says that there are 3 people on my team. “He has Vijeta Dahiya write videos for him. He is a movie director. And his team includes Rahul, Akshay, and Manav.”

I have talked about this in many interviews, and I have said the same thing every time. There are 10-15 people in my team. One needs basic literacy, he could have watched at least one interview before making a video on me.

Moving forward, Elvish claimed that I promoted a fake cryptocurrency coin. “He doesn’t even know the C of Cryptocurrency, despite that, he had people invest in a scam crypto.”

Let’s clear this up as well. This is from 3 years ago, in October 2021, when I got an email from this company for a promotion. As you can see on the screen, this was my reply to this offer email. I wrote that I want to know about the investors of this project. I asked for their details. And I specifically asked for clarification that there are no Chinese investments in this. Because I don’t promote Chinese companies. Then, I asked them to call me. And the CEO spoke to me directly. They showed the documents and reassured me that the product I was supposed to be promoting was genuine, and as proof, they presented their advertorials in newspapers like the Economic Times, Money Control, and NDTV Profit. Third, this promotion offer came from an agency whose co-founder is one of the most popular YouTubers in India. It is an established agency, with which all YouTubers work regularly. So, that increased my level of reassurance too.

But the thing is, friends, that I am a human being, a biological human being. I don’t have any divine energy coursing through me, for me to be all-knowing and allowing me to know the future of any company. This is the same as Shahrukh Khan and Amitabh Bachchan doing an ad for Everest spices. And later, when the news breaks that these spices contain cancerous chemicals, you ask Shahrukh Khan and Amitabh Bachchan about why they did the ad. We, normal biological human beings, unfortunately, don’t have the ability to see the future. But when I felt that something was wrong, I removed this ad, removed the links from my videos, and set a new standard for myself. After this, I told myself that I will not promote any cryptocurrency company, and I have not done it since then. It’s almost 3 years since then.

Elvish’s Double Standards and the Hypocrisy of Godi YouTubers

The companies I promote and the ones I don’t, I can openly tell you my standards regarding this. First, I have not promoted any betting, gambling, or fantasy app because I don’t want the youth of our country to get addicted to gambling. These betting apps waste the time and money of millions of youths, but the bigger loss is their mental frame getting disturbed. Second, I have not promoted any tobacco products or cigarettes. Third, I have not promoted any Chinese company. Fourth, I haven’t promoted any fast food or soft drink company because they have a harmful impact on people’s health.

I know that millions of people follow me, and in any sense, in any aspect, I don’t want to be a bad influence on even one person out of the millions. I want more influencers, actors, and YouTubers to be influenced by me and set the same standards so that we can have a positive impact on society.

But people like Elvish are at the other extreme of this spectrum, who will promote any harmful substance if they are paid enough.

Elvish’s Lies About DW, My Relationship with AAP, and the Abuse of Power

Elvish is trying to make a new conspiracy about my relationship with DW. “There was a collab between DW and Dhruv Rathee. For those who don’t know DW, there was a video on DW, a documentary, in which they show how the Hindus in India attack Muslims…” “And as many news portals do, showing only one side of the story, similarly, DW showed only one side of the story.”

If you choose to ignore the other side, how will you find it? He shows the thumbnail of one video to show that DW always makes videos criticising Modi. I can use 2 thumbnails to show that DW always makes videos in Modi’s favour.

Once again, the illiterate Elvish couldn’t read the name properly. His name is not Irfan Mehra, it is Irfan Mehraj. There’s a ‘J’ at the end. Throughout the entire video, he keeps talking about “Mehra.”

There is no media house called The Arab in the world. Maybe he wanted to say The New Arab here. But no worries, when a person is so illiterate, there are mistakes in every sentence.

“To spread propaganda against India, Turkish Intelligence Agency and Pakistan’s Intelligence Agency ISI, came together and founded TRT.”

Good God! Once again this illiterate Elvish couldn’t read. I seriously doubt whether he graduated high school or not. Because nowhere is this mentioned in the article he has shown behind him, that ISI was a founding member of Turkey’s TRT World. The article claims that Turkey Intelligence Agency and ISI together were starting a propaganda team through TRT World, they weren’t forming the TRT World. Of course, it’s a different issue that this article was also fake, hosted by a biased and untrustworthy website supporting BJP. But we will talk about it in another video, or else this video will be too long.

“To spread anti-India propoganda…” It’s not propoganda, Elvish, it is propaganda.

“Last year, NIA had arrested Irfan Mehra because of his links with terr0rist organizations, organizations like Al-Qa*da, etc. He was working with them.”

What kind of nonsense are you spewing by involving Al-Qada? No, Irfan Mehraj was never working with Al-Qada. In fact, Irfan Mehraj’s arrest by the NIA has been labelled politically motivated by many international groups. He has been arrested under UAPA, an arrest whose conviction has not been proven yet. International Human Rights Watch has also said that the Indian government should release him immediately, and that it’s a wrongful arrest.

And speaking of arrests, Elvish, a few months ago you were crying when you were arrested, saying that the media is spreading false news against you, and here you are, doing the same thing. I don’t know about this snake venom case, or this pot stealing case, and how true they are. That will be proven in the court. But if there was a fake case filed against you and the police arrest you, you won’t get to cry again, because no Human Rights Watch might come to save you. Even the right-wing media doesn’t play news in your favour.

“Media isn’t loyal to anyone.”

That’s why, remember the saying, those living in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones at others. The problem is that you can’t understand other people’s problems. You just know how to roast others, how to declare them anti-national, but if it starts happening to you, you start crying.

Friends, the most weird part is the way he was trying to link all of it to me. He claims that since Irfan Mehraj wrote articles for DW, and I make travel videos for DW, we are connected. Let me know if this makes any sense to you. You went on Bigg Boss, Dolly Bindra went on Bigg Boss too, by your logic, Dolly Bindra and you must be best friends.

Now, let’s come to my Aam Aadmi Party connections. The favourite conspiracy of these pro-BJP YouTubers.

The Truth About My Support for AAP and the Hypocrisy of Right-Wing Politics

Elvish posted a photo with BJP leader Smriti Irani and wrote that she is full of energy, and has a humorous mind. He wrote about PM Modi that Modi is devoted to Ram and our nation. In this tweet, he had once again worshipped Modi.

“People call me BJP’s henchman.”

But according to Elvish, I am paid for my content, but his worshipping and flattery aren’t because he is on BJP’s payroll.

He further says that my audience is mostly from Pakistan.

“50% of his viewers are from Pakistan, which, according to me, makes no difference in our country.”

“50% of his audience is from Pakistan.”

He’ll speak whatever he can dream up. If we’re speaking nonsense, I can say that his entire family is from Pakistan. But that won’t make it true. Look at my Audience Statistics. More than 80% of the audience is from India. And out of the remaining 20%, at least 10% are Indians living abroad.

Then Elvish claims that I called Aurangzeb a ‘secular king.’ “According to him, Aurangzeb was secular. But does this mean that Aurangzeb was a secular emperor? Did he treat all religions the same? No!”

Once again, do you know what the problem is? You are acting on a personal grudge against me. That’s why you are spewing such lies. In the video, I said that at times Aurangzeb pretended to be secular, and communal at others, depending upon the need of the hour. That shows that he was an opportunist, just like you. First, you played cricket with Munawar Farooqui pretending to be secular. You were laughing, hugging, and clicking pictures. Just look. Oh sorry, wrong video, watch this one.

“The main player of the opposite team is with us.”

A Twitter user pointed this out and accused Elvish of being an anti-Hindu traitor. To this, Elvish could have responded by saying that he had a conversation about their differences, and that there were misunderstandings between them, and the joke was on a Bollywood song. And they happened to use questionable language as a joke, and that they apologized for it already. Elvish could have said that Hinduism does not teach hatred, it teaches forgiveness.

But the cricket match was over, and Elvish had to run his shop of hatred. So, what did Elvish do? He started telling white lies that it was just a cricket match and he wasn’t serious about attending. And that he was simply teasing Munawar.

You went from secular to communal based on your needs, and when there was another cricket match, you became secular again. You’re exactly like Aurangzeb, you’re communal where you’ll benefit by being communal, and you’re secular where being secular benefits you. The worst kind of opportunistic person. That’s what you are.

The truth is that you don’t have any ideology. You don’t believe in any ideology. Everything you do is for money and fame.

Then Elvish asked why I made the dictatorship video about PM Modi. His defence was that PM Modi shares memes. “PM Modi shared his memes because he enjoys it. I don’t think a dictator would do this, or someone who wants to be a dictator would do this.”

It’s like someone telling you that drinking alcohol increases the risk of heart disease. Your liver gets damaged. But you say that alcohol is not that harmful because drinking alcohol prevents fever. Does this make any sense? I showed you 10 examples of the growing dictatorial tendencies in the country. What about them? When 6 people are arrested for sticking ‘Modi Hatao Desh Bachao’ posters, more than 140 MPs were suspended, the central agencies like ED were weaponised, how does he respond to these? That PM Modi shared memes on himself.

And what did this meme show? An animated PM Modi dancing on the stage. Was it worth getting someone arrested? If sharing this one meme makes Narendra Modi great for some people, then their ability of hero-worshipping is on another level.

“People call me BJP’s henchman.”

Just google the number of times people have been arrested for criticising Narendra Modi. You will get a long list. But according to Elvish, this is fine. Rather, the real dictator is Dhruv Rathee. I’m not kidding. He is trying to label me as a dictator because I blocked some vile and insolent trolls on Twitter.

“Let me tell you who is a dictator. You are the dictator!”

If someone has a different opinion, they are entitled to share it. But misbehaving is not an opinion. The screenshots of the people Elvish shared, even in the screenshots, you can see a sample of their foul language. I did not delete their Twitter account from the platform. I merely blocked them from following me. Its offline version will be, if someone talks to you rudely in real life, you stop talking to them. And according to this stupid Elvish, this is my dictatorship.

Youtuber Ramit Verma made an explosive video on ANI and its editor Smita Prakash. So, Smita Prakash’s ANI issues three copyright strikes, and Ramit’s YouTube channel Official PeeingHuman could barely survive this. This is the real oppression of freedom of opinion.

Elvish was seen slapping someone in a hotel lobby and was seen beating up another influencer with his group of friends. Once, he tagged a person on social media and told others to be abusive towards that person. Once a pro-BJP influencer had said that the media outlets whose articles are cited by me should be hanged. A BJP leader like Kapil Mishra openly supported this video. But according to Elvish, all this is okay. But if you block some abusive trolls on your profile, it becomes a dictatorship.

“People say I’m BJP’s henchman.”

Calls for genocide are made in a so-called religious gathering. But Elvish has no objection to this because his mentality is like that. Just look at the cover pic on his Twitter profile. Do you know which film’s screenshot is this? This is a screenshot of a Bollywood film, the name of the film is Shaurya, which is inspired by Hindi drama Court Martial and Hollywood film A Few Good Men.

The photo of the character Elvish has put up was not the hero of the film, he was the villain, Brigadier Pratap, whose Muslim servant Jamil k!lled his family during the communal clashes. Since then, he harboured hatred for all Muslims and wanted to k!ll all Muslims. That’s what he asked his junior Major Rathod to do.

When this is revealed at the end of the film, the Indian Army relieves Brigadier Pratap from his duties. Issues an order to file a court case, and arrests him. So basically, this film depicts the honour and principles of our Indian Army. Whichever officer goes against the principles of the army will not be tolerated.

The Hypocrisy of Right-Wing Nationalism and the Need for Real Patriotism

Friends, our Indian Army’s motto is Seva Parmo Dharma (Serving Others Is The Primary Duty). But how will this stupid Elvish’s army understand the honour, ethics, and principles of the Indian Army? They are thirsty for the blood of Muslims all over the world. Even a snake is afraid that such a venomous person might bite it. And I am not exaggerating.

I would like to show you another example. Last year, in October, Hms attacked Isael. 350 Isaelis were k!lled in it. I made this video on this. After that, Isael started its attack. Till now, 1.7 million people have been displaced in Gaza. More than 37,000 people have been k!lled. Things like the international rules of war were disregarded by Isael long ago. Hospitals have also been attacked. Recently, a tent camp was attacked in Rafah where 45 people were k!lled, more than half of them were women, children, and the elderly. This massacre saw global outrage. The United Nations Secretary General said that there is no safe place in Gaza. And the horror needs to stop. 10,000 people held a demonstration outside the Isaeli embassy in Paris. America’s National Security Council spokesperson said that Isael should take precautions to protect civilians.

Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Ireland, Germany, France have issued a statement and an AI image of All Eyes On Rafah. Nearly 50 million people circulated it. Many Indian celebrities, who are not courageous enough to speak out on Indian socio-political issues, but thankfully, they were brave enough to speak up here.

Our country’s government issued the official statement that we support Palestinian statehood, and at the same time, the heartbreaking loss of civilian lives in the Rafah camp was marked as a matter of deep concern.

After this backlash, the Isaeli military said that non-combatants, those who were not fighting, the military was sorry to cause harm to such people. The Prime Minister of Isael called it a tragic accident, and Is*ael talked about investigating it further.

But Elvish put this cover pic on Twitter and openly showed that he is thirsty for the blood of Muslims all over the world. He morphed the All Eyes On Rafah image and wrote All Eyes On POK.

Now it is true that in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and, in fact, in Pakistan, there have been atrocities against Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, and Atheists. I have talked about it many times in my old videos. But what sense did it make that because there is oppression in POK, people d¥ing in Rafah is acceptable? It’s not like the kids from Rafah committed atrocities in POK.

Can’t right-wing influencers like Elvish say that they are against injustice everywhere? These hero-worshipping YouTubers talk about selective outrage. But the cowards of the right-wing ecosystem, there is no one more selective than you.

When I made this video, I openly said that whether someone is a Hindu, Muslim, Christian or an Atheist, I am against injustice anywhere against any person. But I challenge these right-wing influencers, come out and say this.

The truth is that they don’t oppose all injustice. Their hearts are filled with hatred against a certain community, and against that community, they spew venom day and night. But this doesn’t mean that they care about their own community. Give up any hope that Elvish will ever raise his voice against any injustice against a Muslim woman. He won’t speak up for Hindu women either, unless he benefits in some form or way.

Take Manipur’s example. People have been d¥ing there for so long. The entire country is shocked by this. But Elvish Yadav doesn’t care about this. For 250 days, Kashmiri Pandits were sitting on a strike, did Elvish talk about it? No. The pro-BJP ecosystem talks about Kashmiri Pandits only when they want to talk about Muslim brutality.

The True Meaning of Patriotism and the Hypocrisy of the Right-Wing Ecosystem

Remember, friends, whenever riots broke out in Noakhali, Mahatma Gandhi went there to save Hindus, not Godse. Hindu or Muslim, Mahatma Gandhi was the one trying to protect them. And Nathuram Godse was the one spreading hate.

Their ecosystem knows how to use this hatred politics. The day BJP lost in Ayodhya, they started abusing Hindus from Ayodhya. Ghaziabad police arrested two such people. One of them was the person who slapped Kanhaiya Kumar in the rally. You might ask why were they posting hateful comments about the Hindus of Ayodhya? Merely because BJP lost the election there. This should show you that their only religion is worshipping Modi. And their only job is to flatter those in power and reap indirect benefits.

The truth is that a person like Elvish, who wants to divide his own country in the name of religion, cannot be a patriot. What kind of patriotism is this where you attack the unity of your own nation? Where you spread hatred in society?

In the Upanishads, such people are said to be perverse. It is easy for the narrow-minded to group things into ours and theirs, but the earth is the home of the generous. The us versus them mentality is used by people who aren’t intellectually developed. For generous people, the entire world is their family. That was the theme of G20: The World is One Family.

Now, considering the entire world as your family, this ideology will always be out of Elvish’s grasp. But, at least, he shouldn’t try to break up the country.

Muslims aren’t as bad as you think. See what they are saying. “PM Modi claims that Muslims will ruin many things. I say, don’t give employment to even a single Muslim person. But give employment to the Hindus, we will set up stalls to earn our living. You give employment to all my Hindu brothers. You have to provide employment. It’s our duty too, us Muslims, Christians, and Sikhs, to make sure that our (Hindu) brother isn’t in any danger.”

It’s quite simple that if a person from whichever religion commits a crime, our law and order should take action against it. So that the rest of the people can live in peace in the country. Can you not understand something so simple with your tiny brain?

I talked about your 4 anti-Hindu videos in the last video. In one video, you were saying that chillum is Lord Shiva’s blessing, disrespecting Lord Shiva. You have removed this video now, which is a good thing, good boy! In another video, you were mocking Hindu mantras.

You have removed that video too. Again, good boy! But I showed two more videos, one where ‘Jai Shri Ram’ was written behind you, and you were telling people to install an app to watch and objectify streamers. You said that your viewers will enjoy it.

You have not removed this part yet, do remove this part. You shouldn’t do cheap theatrics with Lord Ram’s name behind you. And the fourth video was perhaps the most problematic, where you made fun of Hanuman Chalisa.

You have not removed this video yet. So, let me put the link in the description below, the time code is 5:50-6:08, and from 8:50 to 9:05. Now, after watching this video, you’ll trim this part.

Elvish’s Religious Hypocrisy and the Importance of Real Dharma

Now on to the next point, you sell a hoodie with a picture of Lord Ram. You are using religion to run your business. The problem is that you are messing with the scriptures of Hinduism. Acharya Prashant has already clarified that, and I have mentioned this in multiple videos, that the phrase ‘Violence is Also Religion’ have not been mentioned anywhere in any Hindu scripture.

You can either show me that these lines have been mentioned in any Hindu scripture or remove this hoodie from your clothing line. Make a new design that has actual lines from Hindu scriptures on the hoodie.

I’m sure you hate it when I talk about religion.

You are irritated because though you speak of Lord Ram, your heart follows Nathuram. You need to remove Nathuram Godse from your heart. You need to purify your heart. House Hindu teachings from the Upanishads, like ‘the world is my family’ in your heart.

There is so much to be said, but this video is getting too long. We haven’t talked much about your misogyny yet. You call a woman a ‘witch’ as a joke.

“Look at this witch here.”

In another video, he pointed out some girls as ‘not fun’.

“When you see a girl, you are full of joy. These girls are not fun, bro.”

When you go to buy a car, you can’t understand that a salesgirl is also someone’s sister and daughter. She is working to feed herself, it doesn’t allow you and your friends to look at them like vultures look at their preys.

A Call to Action: 10 Steps to Change Elvish’s Ways

Overall, there’s so much for you to soak in from this video. But I don’t want you to get too confused. So, let me speak to you in clear-cut and simple language, I would like to give you 10 tasks. Do these 10 things so that you can be the right example for your followers, and together, you and I, can improve our society and our country.

  1. Stop spreading hatred and destroying the country. Remove this cover pic of this genocidal character from your Twitter profile and put up a picture of a saint, like Swami Vivekananda or Dr Abdul Kalam. Then tweet, “Long live Indian Unity.” Only then can you call yourself a nationalist.

  2. Be the voice of Indians and the youth of our country. I am not actually expecting this from you. This may be too much for you, but, no worries, just stop promoting betting apps. These addictive apps are driving the youth of our country towards ruins. If you want sponsors, drop me a personal message. I will get you sponsors.

  3. The anti-Hindu videos on your channel, the cheap videos that include Lord Ram’s name, and the videos that make fun of Hanuman Chalisa, just clip those portions from your videos. That won’t be a big deal.

  4. The hoodie on which you have distorted Hindu scriptures, redesign it, stop selling that hoodie, and use a quote that is actually in our Hindu scriptures.

  5. This is one of your videos, titled ‘Holi Pe Bhang Peeke Set Hogye,’ delete that video. You can consume anything you want to, but don’t drive the youth of our country towards a wrong direction.

  6. The video in which your friends and you were talking nonsense about that salesgirl, that disgusting video should be deleted. This is not freedom of expression where you use cheap expressions and theatrics to attack a girl’s dignity.

  7. Pick up a maths textbook from 7th grade, and work on the chapter on Percentage.

“Are all your claims and content true? Gold’s rate is decided on a global level, that’s not up to our government.”

And then Google how gold’s rate is decided. This might help you understand the role of the government in deciding the domestic price of gold. All you need to do is read this article. Because being a fool is not the issue. Problems arise when a person doesn’t realize his foolishness.

  1. I saw that you don’t use foul languages as much as you used to, the video you made on me didn’t have a single vile word. Wonderful! Good boy! Now, make a reel or post a tweet addressing your Elvish Army, telling them to stop using vile languages, insulting other people’s mothers and sisters.

There is a line in the song 295 that says there is no difference between your mother and someone else’s mother. They will learn this a little late in life. But, at least, you have learned your lesson. It’s on you to teach your Elvish Army now. Whether they agree to it or not is their choice, but you need to try your best first.

  1. Glamorising weapons and objectifying women have been themes in your songs. You need to choose something good for your next song. Instead of the songs that spread filth like Honey Singh’s and Badshah’s, make a positive contribution to Indian culture.

And finally, Task #10:

Do you remember the childhood game we used to play?

“Posham Pa, brother, Posham Pa, what happened in the Red Fort?” “Stole a watch of ₹100.” “Will have to go to jail now.” “Will have to eat jail’s food,” “Will have to drink jail’s water.” “Will have to go to jail now.”

This was just a game we played as children. So why are you becoming Posham Pa in real life? You beat up people, you threaten people. You got tangled in a snake venom case, and there are allegations of money laundering too. Have you not had enough?

As I told you in the last video, if you say lie and say terrible things about people, someday you’ll be charged with criminal defamation. If you spread hatred, someday you might be charged with 153A [IPC], for disturbing communal harmony. Once you hit someone with your car, that person was safe, thankfully. Someday, in this game of Posham Pa, you might really need to eat jail’s food.

That’s why I’m asking you to mend your ways, there’s still time.

I hope this counter has been enough for you. If you still think that this counter wasn’t enough, let me know.

And, friends, I hope that this ‘counter’ has been enough for all the gang of these right-wing YouTubers. I hope that the other right-wing YouTubers will learn their lesson from this video.

Until then, if you are interested in turning YouTube into your career, you can use the course link in the description below. The coupon code is ELVISH420.

And this is the detailed video on the religious aspect. You can click here to watch it.

See you in the next video.

Thank you very much!

SEO Keywords: Elvish Yadav, Godi YouTubers, Dhruv Rathee, right-wing YouTubers, hate speech, misogyny, Hinduism, religion, politics, BJP, India, controversy, YouTube,

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